I have always had a soft spot for dogs. I cannot remember ever not having one. On Christmas Eve 2009, Caleb brought home the cutest little Maltese you have ever seen. We had discussed getting a dog since we got married, but I did not feel we had enough time to spend with a dog. Little did I know that this little dog was different…he is a little boy. I really do not think he knows he is not a dog. We treat him as though he is our child making him fresh chicken and rice, letting him sleep in the bed between our pillows and talking to him like he understands us…which he does.
Hanging out at the pool
We had a hard time deciding what name would fit this hyper little boy. We discussed several and finally came up with Ratchet, like the wrench or Ratch for short. It fits him very well!
He LOVES riding in Daddy's racecar!
When Caleb and I get home from work, he is so happy to see us! He loves to play outside and pitch 2 year old temper tantrums if we don’t pay attention to him. He also likes to bark…howl…and dance on his back two legs as he begs us to hold him or give him some of what we are eating.
He has gotten so spoiled that he knows we eat a snack before we go to bed and he will stare us down and bark if we fail to share. So if you can’t tell, this post is dedicated to my little baby boy Ratchet…
Relaxing with Mom in the racecar trailer
…what a life….
The best little thing that has ever happened to us!
When your "real" first born comes along read this again... :) Marley was our baby too, but now, as much as I hate to admit it, he is slowly becoming "the dog." :( Once I read this, I gave him extra lovins yesterday.