Shabby Chic

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Is it really the end of July? Where did June go exactly? *Sigh*….

It seems like the weeks are just flying by these days for sure. My sweet little princess will be 6 months this Friday and it seems like we just came home from the hospital. Reese is in the middle of so many new things right now and we are having a blast watching her grow and explore. Recently, she has started solid foods and absolutely loves it! I am a crazy researcher, planner and have literally been researching how to start solids and which ones would be best for Reese since I was pregnant. After reading many books, blogs and discussing my ideas with our doctor, we decided to start Reese on oatmeal cereal and it was an instant hit. She has been eating oatmeal good for month now so now it’s time for veggies. Child cannot get enough of this stuff! I decided to make my own baby food using organic veggies where I can.  My first batch of food consisted of roasted sweet potatoes, carrots and yellow squash. This was super EASY, all you need is a food processor, strainer and some ice cube trays…that’s it. She loves them all and we cannot get the spoon refilled and in her mouth quick enough. This week she started green peas and avocados. We have also introduced the “sippy cup” to get her use it and slowly take her off the bottle. She has been so interested in our cups and I think this makes her feel all big and grown up (slow down princess)! This has been interesting to say the least. She is teething, therefore it seems that she mostly gums at the cup but she definitely knows where it goes and how to get the liquid out. I was really worried about the transition to solid foods, but she is doing so well with it…proud momma for sure!

Since four months we have been doing basic sign language with Reese. Of course, we do not expect results from her at this age, but with all the repetition, hopefully she will be able to use it soon…but no pressure. It sure has been fun for us to learn the different signs and what they mean. We are so anxious for those first words. Not really what she says first, we both generally say “mama” and “dada” when we talk to her but just to see what that sweet little voice will sound like!

Reese has had a busy few weeks. For Father’s Day we surprised Caleb with a trip to St. Louis to see the Cardinals play. This was her first really long car ride, but she did really well. Let me give you a little baby travel advice…never use the cribs at a hotel…even a nice hotel like the Hilton. We really should have taken our pack and play, but honestly I thought wow, they offer cribs so we will just use that. No. The mattress was really thin and it was covered in stacked sheets for more “cushion”. Lesson learned. Reese loved the ball game and enjoyed looking at everything. Our tickets were great and not in the direct sun so it was not too hot. We stayed right across the street from the ballpark so I was even able to take her back up to the room to eat and stretch out for a little bit. We had dinner at a really nice local steak house and visited a vintage flea market before heading home. Can’t wait for another getaway with my loves!

Reese has been a very active baby since she was born, but she has been a very busy body here lately. She has been moving herself all over the place in her crib and pack and play, but mostly likes to be on her feet in her jumper or one of us holding her upright so she can “walk”. I know she will be on the move more in more in these next few months and it’s only going to get more fun to watch  run after her.

I never knew how much I could love something so small! Every day, she does something that completely amazes Caleb and I…so sweet!