My how time flies! It has been a while since my last blog post and I have a lot to catch you up on. My job has kept me super busy traveling this year, and since January I have been on 28 flights and as I write this post, I sit in another airport terminal for what will hopefully be my last business trip of the year...yay! I absolutely love to travel and see new cities, try new restaurants and experience the local culture but I hate not getting to have my sweetheart with me on every trip.
A lot has happened since the last time I made a post....Caleb and I found out that we are having a baby....GIRL!! We are so excited about Miss Reese Elaine and cannot wait to meet this sweet little blessing! The way in which we decided to find out was so fun, so I must share :). We decided that we did not want to find out what we were having in the ultrasound room and then rush to call our closest family and friends, we wanted them to be with us when we found out. Obviously, the ultrasound tech would not go for a room full of people and that would not be my ideal setting for a celebration so....we planned a gender reveal party!
The week of the ultrasound I was actually in Omaha, NE and was scheduled to land at 2:30 the day of my ultrasound...just in time to make the last ultrasound appointment of the day at 3:00....I would never....push it would I? I prayed for weeks that they would be able to tell what baby E was and that I would have no flight delays. All was going smooth until Miss Reese decided to be shy and would not turn so the ultrasound tech could see what she was, of course. After 30 minutes of pushing, turning and talking sweetly to her she still refused to cooperate. I explained to the tech that we had to find out today because I had a party planned for Friday night and would hate to reschedule. She so graciously told me to go see my doctor, have my regular appointment and she would stay to take one more look...did I mention I love this lady and my doctors office? Great people!! Once my nurse saw how upset I was we put our heads together and she said, I know....drink a Coke, that will make her move around! I said, well I do not drink Cokes, which she followed with "EXACTLY!" She grabbed me a cold Coke which, I enjoyed as I visited with my doctor and then proceeded to go back for another ultrasound. Within one minute, she was able to see what it was. Since I was not going to find out until Friday I did not get to look at the screen until she showed the head, at which point I saw my little baby moving her arms around like a little break dancer, she loves her some Coke! Once I was finished, the tech sealed an envelope of pictures, sent me on my way and called the baker to tell them what color of filling to put in the cupcakes pink or blue.
Caleb and I were so excited and anxious all day Friday, so ready for the party so we could find out what we were having. We wanted to wait until the end of the party to see what we were having, meanwhile we played games, enjoyed appetizers and most of all got to spend time with all those who mean so much to us. It was such a blessing to have that mush support and excitement around the reveal! At the end of the night, we passed out all the cupcakes with instructions not to eat them until we did the 1, 2, 3 countdown. Once everyone had a cupcake we bit in and were shocked to see that it was PINK!! A sweet little baby girl!! None were more cute and shocked than my sweet husband, his face was priceless! I do have pictures from this event that our friend Erin Bunting with Bunting Photography took for us and I will post them in a separate entry.
How exciting that we will have a baby girl to spoil? I cannot wait to see her sweet face, watch her act like her daddy and enjoy taking her on shopping trips! It's going to be so fun!!
Back to travel, I want to share a little about our vacation this year. Caleb and I are big on road trips and as a couple and have visited 16 States and 3 countries together. We both really enjoy a good road trip and try to take one as often as possible. This year, we had a hard time deciding where to go on our summer vacation, but finally decided we would head down to Orlando, Florida on a 2,200 mile adventure! We are no strangers to this town, we actually spent part of our honeymoon in Orlando and we absolutely love all the diverse things there are to do in this part of Florida.
Our trip included Disney World, a relaxing spa day, the Kennedy Space Center and of course….Shopping! Below are some of the highlights from our trip, enjoy!
Enjoying the day at Hollywood Studios! For the days we spent at Disney we arrived when the parks opened and left when they closed. This park has the BEST night time show, Fantasmic! Water, fireworks, light and characters we really enjoyed it!
Siesta time at Mexico in Epcot :) |
Maple Creme Brulee with a Mickey Mouse Congratulations for our baby and reaching the second trimester! This was at the O'Canada Canadian Steak house in Epcot. |
Caleb at Universal Studios City Walk |
Disney's Animal Kingdom |
 | out people, mommy on the loose :)! |
The tree of life...with the baby bump and the best husband ever! |
Monkey's at Animal Kingdom |
Kennedy Space Center |
The Magic Kingdom |
Have I told that I love this man? He loves candy, especially sour candy and I caught him in the act here! (Please note that a real man will carry his pregnant wife's Kavu bag :)